Tuesday, April 26, 2011

False Alarm

Last night we had a false alarm. Anna started having mild contractions about 7 minutes apart and lasting for about a minute apiece.

Needless to say, we got a little excited. We went for a walk around our expansive yard in the hopes that it might coax things along... but it did not. Once we got back from our walk she had completely shut down again.

It is both incredibly terrifying and exciting to be this close to Felix's birth! I am so very excited to meet him, but at the same time I am acutely aware that once he is here there is no going back! It will never just be about Anna and I again. This little person is going to change our whole lives.

1 comment:

  1. Wowowowowowowow! I am all giddy and it is not even my baby!

    Just walk it off. Walk it off... Good idea. You can kill two birds with one stone: Have a baby, water the lawn!
