Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mah Baby BOY!

Welp! I am dusting out the ol' blog with a new purpose!  As my first born son, Felix Newton is mere weeks away from joining the world I have decided to chronicle the experience of being a Skeptical Humanist and a father.

Currently we are sitting at 13 days until the due date! The excitement is palpable, yet I still find myself forgetting (that might be too strong a word, it's more like complacent denial) that fatherhood is eminent.  Thoughts of my future son just sort of drift to the back of my mind...  It does not seem real; it feels as though I am pretending as though I will become a father in two weeks.

I have moments throughout the day when the reality of the situation crashes in on me, though.  These "Holy Schmidt" moments are getting more frequent, so perhaps that is my subconscious trying to prepare me for what lies ahead. Maybe once Felix is born my whole life will feel like these moments of awakening.  That is a little terrifying.


  1. Believe me, it is terrifying. I had to cut back on using my epiphany toilet for just that reason.

  2. you could say that it scared the crap out of me!
